We include links below to some other websites which you may find useful:
- International Cat Care This site has almost endless information on cats.
- Vet Professionals. This site has a very readable beautifully illustrated text book on hyperthyroidism, to purchase.
- Animal Endocrine Blog. This is a fascinating question-and-answer site written by Dr Mark Peterson, an American specialist veterinary endocrinologist, who writes on feline hyperthyroidism and other hormone conditions
- International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) aims to help veterinary practitioners better diagnose, understand and treat kidney disease in cats (and dogs).
- Cat Doppler produce an excellent blood pressure testing kit for cats, along with a useful article from Veterinary Practice also on the page.
- Gipskins produce protective sleeves – which can be extremely useful when handling hyperthyroid cats.

Dr Saray Caney’s book on feline hyperthyroidism is beautifully illustrated and very readable