Downloads offer a quick way to get detailed information about radio-iodine and the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre
If you’d like to receive paper copies of these items, please just contact us (or ask your vet to request a full information pack).
Our client information booklet
About feline hyperthyroidism; current treatment options; what to do before and after radio-iodine treatment; about body-condition scoring and nutrition; a summary of current thinking on risk factors associated with feline hyperthyroidism. Plus, information about our pricing and what’s included.
Preventing feline hyperthyroidism
Helping to protect cats in future by making the right decisions about diet, drinking water, cat litter, packaging and the environment. Order below.
Preventing Feline Hyperthyroidism .
More information to help you
- Order paper copies of our information about feline hyperthyroidism
- Visit other websites which offer helpful information.

Rex a Russian Sphynx cat, cured of feline hyperthyroidism